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My research explores three themes in international economics: global value chains and firm production networks; firm productivity, innovation, and management practices; and financial frictions in international trade and investment.


In 2024-2029, I am pursuing a research program on Firm Network Technology (the activities and costs of network formation) and Technology in Firm Networks (the impact of firm links on innovation), under ERC/UKRI Advanced Grant FIRMTECHNET.


Working Papers


Firm Heterogeneity and Imperfect Competition in Global Production Networks

​​November 2021. CEPR DP 19408. Under review (with Hanwei Huang, Oscar Perello and Frank Pisch)


Tickets to the Global Market: First U.S. Patents and Chinese Firm Exports

April 2022. CEPR DP 18637. R&R Journal of International Economics (with Robin Kaiji Gong, Yao Amber Li and Stephen Teng Sun)


UK Trade in the Wake of Brexit

​​April 2022. CEP DP 1847. (with Rebecca Freeman, Thomas Prayer and Thomas Sampson)

Featured in Financial Times, The Economist, BBC, SkyNews, Independent, Telegraph, Bloomberg, CEPR E-book & podcast.




Firm Network Technology &

Technology in Firm Networks


Trade Intermediation in Global Production Networks

​With Andreas Moxnes and Oscar Perelló


The Logic of Logistics: Endogenous Trade Costs in E-Commerce

​With Chunmian Ge, Hanwei Huang and Daniel Xu


Risky Business: Export Finance Insurance and Trade

​With Magnus Buus, Thilo Kroeger and Jakob Munch


Multinational Firms and Global Innovation

​With Anna Gumpert, Cristina Rujan and Monika Schnitzer


Fragmentation, Tasks and Inequality in Production Networks

​With Jan Bakker, Arnaud Dyevre, Andreas Moxnes and Aureo de Paula


Going Green: Multinational Activity and Environmental Practices

​With Jeronimo Carballo, Claudia Steinwender and Christian Volpe

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